The Vermont Higher Education Investment Plan is Vermont’s official 529 college savings plan. Since VHEIP began in 1999, it has helped thousands of Vermont students (and parents/relatives) of all ages and incomes go to college or continue in other post-high school programs. VHEIP is the only 529 college savings plan that offers Vermont taxpayers a VT state income tax credit on annual contributions.
The Vermont Student Assistance Corporation sponsors VHEIP for the state of Vermont, and has done so since the Plan was created. VSAC is a public, nonprofit agency established by the Vermont Legislature in 1965 to help Vermonters achieve their education and training goals after high school. VSAC serves students and their families, as well as adults returning to school, by providing education and career planning services, need-based grants, scholarships, and education loans. VSAC has awarded more than $600 million in grants and scholarships for Vermont students.
September 14, 2015, the Plan management, including customer service, transitioned from TIAA-CREF Tuition Financing, Inc. to Intuition College Savings Solutions, LLC. After a competitive review process, VSAC chose Intuition for its lower investment fees, expanded online services, and wider range of investment choices — from Vanguard, TIAA-CREF, and others. Intuition has a standing history and commitment to the 529 industry. With experience spanning over 25 years, Intuition provides comprehensive, customized plan management solutions for ten distinct 529 plans. Intuition’s comprehensive administrative abilities and marketplace experience let its partners focus on the most important mission of all: plan awareness and helping families secure the educational future of their children. For more information, visit